Possible side effects of Sclerotherapy:
Even when a highly experienced physician is performing the treatment, there are a number of possible side effects, including the following:
Staining of the skin: This is the appearance of brown marks on the skin after treatment. Some studies showing an incidence as high as 16% at 6 months and 5% at 2 years. These pigmented areas are mainly composed of haemosiderin, an iron pigment stored in the blood .This is more likely to occur in patients who have larger veins treated or those patients who have a lot of bruising. In most cases they disappear completely within a year. Persistent pigmentation may respond to laser treatment. In order to minimize this side effect we advise that you do not take any iron supplements (including most multivitamins) before, during or for 3 months after the course of treatment.
Matting: This is the development of networks of fine red blood vessels near the sites of injection of larger vessels, especially on the thighs. It is reported that about 10% of patients develop these. Most resolve spontaneously, some resolve with injection treatment, and a few persist. Matting is more common in patients with extensive surface veins, deep vein problems, patients who have a family history of surface veins and in obese patients who have poor muscle tone.
Ulcers: Very occasionally there is the formation of small, painful ulcers at treatment sites within 2 weeks of injection. These may occur because the solution has escaped into the surrounding skin and sometimes they occur because there is an abnormal connection between small veins and arteries. They are more common in patients who smoke cigarettes. They heal slowly and may leave a small pale scar.
Allergic reactions: Although on rare occasions (2 per 10,000) such reactions may be serious, they can be treated by immediate injections of adrenaline. Less serious reactions are treated with antihistamines. Minor rashes require no specific treatment but you should inform the doctor if they occur. Rarely, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) appears as a reaction to a specific sclerosing solution. If this occurs, a different solution can be used for subsequent treatments.
Phlebitis: This is an inflammation of the treated blood vessels which may also be associated with tender lumps along the line of the treated veins. This is due to the reaction of the sclerosant on the blood vessel wall and entrapment of “old” blood. When it occurs to a large or prolonged extent it may be treated by draining the blood out of the painful lumps by a small needle puncture. Other treatments for this may include anti-inflammatory medication, heat packs, massage with a special cream, compression and regular walking.
DVT (Deep vein thrombosis): This is a clot in a deep vein. This is quite rare following sclerotherapy especially if compression and regular daily walking are adhered to. It is important to discuss the use of contraceptive pill prior to Sclerotherapy with the practitioner as it may increases the risk of DVT.
Intra-arterial injection: This is an extremely uncommon complication which may result in muscle and skin damage.
There are no known long term side effects of Sclerotherapy.