Varicose veins can present discomfort and unpleasantness. They are not a usual cause for any medical problems, usually. Typically occurring in the legs, varicose veins can also show themselves in other parts of the body. Symptoms can be mild and cause moderate pain, swelling, blood clots and skin ulcers along with other problems. Standard procedures to reduce varicose veins include surgical stripping and laser removal which result in longer recovery time. But we believe in shorter vein treatment recovery.
At Las Vegas Vein Center, the Radiofrequency Venefit Closure procedure provides the best patient recovery experience and results.
What are Varicose Veins?
Weak and damaged veins lose elasticity and become swollen and allow blood to pool and travel back in the opposite direction. This causes the veins to twist and bulge, which can lead to discomfort, blood clots, and ulcers. The bulging veins can be seen under the skin of the legs or other places in the body and can leave some self-conscious about their condition. While varicose veins are a common condition, through Venefit Endovenous targeted therapy, you will be able to get rid of them and get youthful looking legs.
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Venefit and the minimal vein treatment recovery
Venefit is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure. Small catheters are inserted into the vein through a tiny incision eliminating the need for groin surgery and general anesthesia. Through Venefit, you will have less postoperative pain as there is no pulling and removing of damaged veins through surgical stripping or high-intensity lasers that can reach temperatures of 700 degrees Celsius. Many patients can return to regular activity within a few days of the procedure.
Minimal Vein Treatment Recovery from Las Vegas Vein Center
Get rid of your varicose veins and gain youthful looking legs in time for summer with Venefit Endovenous targeted therapy. For more information or to schedule your appointment, call for a consultation.